Famished (The Broken Series) Read online

Page 9

  “Has it always been like that?”

  “I’ve had my own place since I was fourteen, close to a year ago I had everything; furnished apartment, full wardrobe, but I got dragged here.” She shrugs, “We move on.” She collects the folder with one hand as the other swipes across her phone, “I’ll be out front.” She says in to the phone, stepping away.

  “You need a ride?” I offer. Please say yes, please say yes.

  “No, that’s okay. My cousin’s down the street no doubt.”

  It’s a little disturbing when a motorcycle roars in front of the house the second that sentence left her lips. She gives me an I told you so look, and moves into the living room.

  “See you soon.”

  “Later.” I openly gawk at her ass as she sashays to the front door.

  Platonic? HA! I give it ‘til Saturday.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I call Maria.

  “Hey, I need a favor.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “You promised.” I warn with a pointed look to my father who stands seething in the doorframe. “A verbal agreement is binding in the state of Arizona, remember?”

  “I didn’t expect you to find a place with that wannabe biker.”

  The vein in his temple is pulsing and I wonder if Moose was kidding about the aneurysm.

  “It’s close by, has a roommate, you drew up the papers for it to remain uncomplicated, what’s the crime?”

  “When I drew up that contract I thought it was for future use. Withholding information is the same as lying.”

  “Well then it’s a good thing that I wasn’t withholding information. I wasn’t sure I was going to take the room until I went over there with the agreement. He agreed to the terms and it’s a hundred bucks a month, no fine print, no hidden charges. I’d be an idiot to pass that up just cause of what’s between his legs.”

  “Emma..” He shakes his head and I can see him fighting the urge to yell and demand I stay away from Drew.

  “If you want me at your place by seven I should go so I have time to run by the store and pick up some stuff.”

  He glares but steps away from the door, “If shit doesn’t work out, you’ve always got a place here or at my house.”

  I give him a little smile, it’s in my nature to poke the bear but I swallow the urge to be sarcastic.

  “I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  Entering the house my doubts have caught up with me. This might not have been the best idea. He’s wicked hot and awfully flirty. Turning down the hall, I try to make the least amount of noise possible, and enter my- holy crap!

  The room that was once bare has erupted with shit. I look around noticing the long dresser has been turned into a vanity, the bed has a full bed set in neutral colors, even curtains hang over the windows. What the hell? I take a step deeper and catch sight of the bathroom, that too is full of stuff. Bath mats, towels, and an organizer sits on the counter.

  “Yeah, my aunt got a little excited.”

  I nearly faint at the sound of his voice. Twirling around, my hand flies to my throat, “Holy fuck, you scared me.”

  He laughs, stepping inside and sitting on the pinkish comforter. “I told her you could handle,” his finger absently points around the room, “all this, but as expected she didn’t listen.”


  He laughs, “Are you dying?”

  “I fucking might be.”

  Blinking hard, I try to hear what he’s saying as blood whooshes past my ears.

  “I was saying I told my aunt not to go all out with all of this, but she got excited a woman was moving in and ignored me.”

  “She did all this?” He nods, “Why?”

  “She doesn’t have a lot of women to spoil.”

  “But she doesn’t even know me.”

  “If you don’t like it, I can get rid of it.”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying.” I tell him quickly, trying to back pedal, “It’s amazing, like a Princess might sleep in a room like this, I was just wondering why she’d spend so much money on someone she doesn’t know.”

  He shrugs, “You’ll get used to it.”

  “Wait, this isn’t a one time deal?”

  He laughs, “Definitely not, wait till she finds out what size clothing you wear. Anytime she runs across something she thinks you’d like she’ll get it. If you tell her to stop she’ll just get sneaky about it. Like my best friend had an empty apartment and she went with my uncle and bought her a ton of girly shit like clothes and makeup and Hales never found out.”

  “God, you guys must be loaded.” I say looking around, there’s no way this shit came from a clearance section at your local Walmart. This is all expensive looking, like you might have this room set for a fancy boudoir shoot or something.

  “My family owns HEAT and three others across the country.”

  Oh, so a bartender with Daddy’s credit card.

  When I don’t answer he stands and fixes his shirt, a sliver of skin shows and I avert my eyes.

  “So the reason I came in was cause my aunt wanted to know if you’re allergic to anything.”

  My brow furrows, “Penicillin.”

  “But no food allergies?”

  “No.” I say slowly.

  “Cool, I’ll let her know.”

  “Wait.” I stop him before he can leave the room, “Why?”

  “Cause she cooks and didn’t want to accidentally kill you.”

  “I think I might be missing something.” I laugh nervously, am I eating at his family’s house and don’t know it yet?

  “She brings food by a couple times a week.”

  I offer a slow nod. I don’t plan on eating his food, I may be unemployed but I still have my savings. I didn’t work three jobs for shits and giggles.

  “Okay, well I have to go to my dad’s tonight but when I get back I’ll have first and last month’s rent for you. Where do you want me to put it?”

  “Kitchen counter’s fine.”

  Pulling my lips in, I look around the room to avoid this awkward conversation. No flirting, no close proximity- nothing. This is what I wanted I remind myself, though that does shit to fix my disappointment. He taps the wall and smiles at me before walking out.

  Fuck, this was a bad idea, wasn’t it?

  “So tell me about the new house.” My dad asks, pushing his empty plate away.

  “Not much to report on yet. I dropped my stuff off and left right after. Though, his aunt did decorate my room.”

  “Well, that was kind.” His casual tone does a shit job of covering his suspicion.

  “Yeah, it was. I didn’t have to go out and buy anything, everything I needed was already there.” Down to a pack of tampons under the sink.

  “And your roommate? What’s his name?”


  “Like Barrymore?”

  I laugh at his passive aggressive jab, “Yes, though they look nothing alike.”

  “Hmm.” He looks at me over his glass, almost as if he’s trying to read something on my face. “Moose was moping around all day today. I think he misses his card buddy.”

  “It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours.”

  “Tell that to him.”

  I roll my eyes, “And men say women are dramatic.”

  He laughs, placing his empty glass on the table, “I don’t know. Breaking a glass over Lynch’s hand seems a tad dramatic, don’t you think?”

  “I didn’t break it over his hand, I attempted to.”

  He snorts, standing to collect the dishes.

  “You have Monday through Saturday to do what you want but if I can make a suggestion, maybe you could stop by the Clubhouse now and again to see Moose. Maybe play a hand or two to keep the old goat happy.”

  “He’s not old.” I laugh, “He’s what? Forty?”

  “Forty-four,” he nods.

  “Who’s older?”

  “Him. I was the same age as your mother
when we had you, we were both eighteen.”

  “Were you guys like high school sweethearts?”

  “Your mother never told you about us?”

  I shake my head, “She tried to avoid you as much as possible, if I’m being honest.”

  “Well that’s a damn shame. To answer your question, yes we were high school sweethearts as you put it.”

  “Moose said she ran because you used to do illegal stuff.”

  He nods, “I used to before I got my life together. After she ran I left the club, got my law degree in hopes of learning how to find her and get you back.”

  “So if you left the club, how are you the President?”

  “The club turned legit. Started running legal businesses to make money, it went from an outlaw gang to a motorcycle club. The MC is in my blood, being away from it was like missing a part of myself. This was all years ago, mind you.”

  “So you guys don’t do anything illegal?” I ask skeptically, I’ve seen them all smoking some questionable stuff.

  He laughs, understanding the tone, “We’re a legit club. Do some of the guys partake in questionable things? Sure, but that’s on them and them alone.”

  He dumps the plates into the sink and turns on the water while I stand, wandering around the room. He has a really nice house, much like Drew’s it’s very modern and large. His tastes are very biker, black leather everything. He has a massive painting over the couch that holds the MC’s logo in the center, THE BASTARDS is written above it and PHOENIX, AZ below. It looks exactly like their vests, there’s a similar one at the Clubhouse but it’s not framed like this one.

  “I know you have to unpack and settle into your new place so I won’t keep you here any longer.” I turn to see him wink at me. “Go ahead and run home, I’ll see you next Sunday.”

  “I don’t know,” I smile, “Maybe you’ll see me sooner. Who knows.”

  “I’d like that. Don’t forget to pay Moose a visit. He really is a sulking baby without you.”

  I laugh, giving him a small wave before heading out front to call an uber.

  “Oh, Emma?” He calls, coming outside to join me, “Here.”

  He holds his hand out and I offer mine to accept whatever it is. A key falls to my palm, but not a house key, it’s longer and has a black head like a car key.

  “What’s this?”

  “Because you don’t have a vehicle, I’m loaning you my truck. It’s old and seen better days but it’ll get you from point A to point B.”

  “That’s not necessary.” I shake my head looking at my hand, “I don’t mind getting a cab.”

  “But I do. This is for me, not you. I’d feel better knowing you have wheels in case you need to get out quick.” Before I can protest, he holds up both hands, ”Not saying you’ll need to but it’s there anyway.”

  Having a vehicle would make life easier for sure, but this is a lot of shit being given to me in a very short time frame.

  Before I can say anything he pulls a pager looking thing out of his pocket and opens the garage door. His motorcycle, a black shiny car, and an old pickup sit inside.

  “Please take the truck. I’ve got the Beemer and my bike, the truck’s just collecting dust in here.”

  I take a deep breath looking over the old blue Dodge, “Okay.”

  A smile lights up his face and I can’t help but find joy in the fact I made him happy.

  “Thank you for letting me use it.”

  “Of course. Anything you need, all you have to do is ask, Princess.”

  Opening the door it whines obnoxiously, the inside smells like leather, soap, and cigars. I kinda like it.

  Starting the engine, it growls to life. Having the gear shift against the steering wheel will take a little getting used to, but overall I’m digging this ride.

  I give my father a wave as I pull away from the house. Between my Princess bedroom and his attitude pulling a one-eighty, I’m sure liking life at the moment.

  After all, he did say I was royalty.

  Pulling into the garage, I cringe at the amount of noise this bad boy is making. With how bare the space is all it’s doing is amplifying the roar of the engine.

  Hopping out, I make sure I’m pulled forward enough to close the garage door, before hitting the button and entering through the laundry room.

  Stepping inside, the house is dark and quiet; he did say he was gone a lot. Walking forward I leave the envelope for rent on the counter before trekking down the hall to my bedroom. Passing Drew’s door I hear the tell tale sound of bodies slapping together before the first moan creeps under the door.

  This was absolutely a bad idea.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wake up frustrated to all hell. My bed just happens to be pressed against the wall separating Drew’s room from mine so I had the honor of listening to him fuck a girl stupid for the better part of the evening. After she took the walk of shame, I sat in bed cussing myself out for being so ridiculous. Want to know what I was feeling? Jealousy. Are you fucking kidding me? I don’t even know the guy, he’s probably not even that good in bed. I roll my eyes at the thought, the way that girl was carrying on you’d think his dick was made of gold.

  Climbing out of bed, I grab a pair of yoga pants and pad out to the kitchen. Drew’s sitting at the breakfast bar eating what looks like Froot Loops, shirtless. I internally groan, he’s really too attractive this early in the morning.

  “Morning.” He says around a mouthful almost muting his southern accent.

  “Good Morning.”

  “Coffee’s hot.”

  “Perfect, thank you.” Looking over I see a half full pot steaming… next to an unopened condom.

  Grabbing a cup off, what I think is called a mug tree, I ignore the aluminum packet and pour a cup of sanity, leaning against the counter to blow over the surface.

  “Is that your truck out in the garage?”

  I nod, “My dad’s loaning it to me.”

  “Sweet deal. I heard it pull in last night, it’s a monster. ’81 Ram?”

  So the jackass knew I was home and did absolutely nothing to mute his noisy guest. “I don’t know, yes?”

  He chuckles, sliding off the stool and sauntering to the sink to rinse his bowl, “Pretty sure that’s what it is.”

  If he were to move his arm just a little wider, he’d be touching me. His muscles flex as he uses a sponge around the edges of the bowl, and I forget to blink.

  He chuckles, “You’re welcome to keep staring, Angel, but I’m pretty sure that’s against your rules.”

  Blinking hard, I take a step to the side to put distance between us. I can feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment and try to cover them with my cup.

  “Our rules,” I correct, “and I wasn’t staring, I zoned out and you just happened to be there.”

  That was a pretty slick lie, I have to admit.

  “Zoned with thoughts of me naked, you mean.”


  “You’re drooling, that’s how I know you were thinking about me.”

  Damn it all when my hand instinctively goes to my mouth. He lets out a loud laugh, “Not thinking about me, huh?”

  “Shut up, it’s like telling someone not to look, of course they’re going to look.”

  “Sure, sure. Just be real with me for a second,” He takes a dramatic pause meeting my eyes, “What position did I have you in?”

  I scoff, pulling away from the counter, “Now who’s breaking the rules?”

  “So you admit it?”

  “Admit what?” Annoyance drips off my words.

  “That you were breaking the rules by imagining me naked.”

  “I wasn’t picturing you naked.”

  “Probably for the best.” He says moving past me, he tips his head as he passes, “Your imagination wouldn’t do me justice.”

  Ugh! This fucking dude, with his ripped body and perfect face. He chuckles as he walks down the hall.

  “Oh, hey!” I
call after him, he pauses looking back at me, “Maybe we can have our guests keep it down, huh?”

  My attempt to embarrass him backfires when he smiles, “Jealous, Angel? Just say the word and it can be you making that much noise.”

  Fire rips through my cheeks at his innuendo.

  Two can play this game asshole, just you wait.

  Chapter Eighteen


  This fucking woman.

  I don’t work Monday or Tuesdays and I got to lay in bed hard enough to hammer nails while Emma got railed in the room next door. I’m completely reconsidering the notion of making our guests be quiet after that.

  Sitting on the kitchen counter at Josh and Maria’s, the sound of her moans are running on a goddamn loop in my head. I woke up after getting only a couple hours of sleep and had to get the hell out of there before she came out looking the way she did Sunday. Skin tight clothing, mussed hair and sexy as all hell. What girl looks that good in the morning, are you kidding? Mix that with the images of her under me and it spells disaster. I’ve got to find a way to get this chick in my bed before I explode.

  “When’s Parker landing in Savannah?” Maria ask as Josh pours himself a cup of coffee, he pauses to glance at his watch.

  “Soon I’d imagine.”

  She nods, scrapping eggs onto a plate.

  “Any luck with finding Hales?”

  “Not yet. I hired a guy to find her so hopefully we’ll hear something soon.”

  “She’ll show up.” Maria says, placing a plate in front me.

  “She’s not responding to any of my messages and her phone goes straight to voicemail when I try to call.” I add.

  “I told Parker to take her phone in the event her brother comes to his senses.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask digging into the mountain of pancakes.

  “Parker gave his itinerary to her brother hoping that Haley would show.”

  “Oh, yeah Parker told me that. I don’t know, I don’t trust Kaylan to tell her that Parker’s near. I wouldn’t be shocked to hear it was Kaylan’s idea to take off in the first place.”

  “We don’t know anything.” Maria says gently, “Remember, Haley came from the same family he did and look how much good is in her.”