Famished (The Broken Series) Read online

Page 10

  I scoff into my fork. She was so good she managed to fucking gut me on her way out of town. If she was here I wouldn’t be losing sleep thinking I’d wake up with some detective at my door telling me they found the body of my best friend.

  “Drew, look at me.”

  I look up to find the dreaded mom face glaring back, “I’ve seen that face before, you don’t know the whole story. Don’t blame her for something you don’t understand.”

  “If you saw what I saw you’d be pissed she up and left too. She’s out there with noodle arm Kaylan as her only form of protection.”

  Losing my appetite, I push the plate away from me and stand.

  “And what was it you saw?” Josh asks before I have time to make my escape.

  “A part of her past that made me want to light the world on fire.”

  Walking out, I take the stairs two at a time and enter my old bedroom. Falling face first on the bed, I draw the pillow under my head and try to replace the images of the last time I saw her with thoughts of her and Parker laughing, her playing pool, or pouring drinks. Trying to focus on her smile and not the horror I saw in her eyes before she disappeared forever.

  Sounds of glass shattering and sirens wailing launch me upright from sleep. My heart beats erratically and sweat coats my skin. I used to have these fucking nightmares under control, then Haley left and they decided to come back with a vengeance.

  Using the blanket, I wipe the sweat off my face and notice the room growing darker. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I realized I crashed for almost six hours. Falling asleep tonight is going to be a bitch, especially if that blonde bombshell decides to bring home another pencil dick frat boy.

  Dragging my lazy ass out of bed, I descend the stairs and find Josh and Maria curled up on the couch.

  “Long night?”Maria asks when I plop down in the recliner.

  I shrug, “I couldn’t fall asleep.”

  “Hear from Parker?” Josh asks.

  I pull my phone out and double check, “No.” That’s weird. “He had to have landed by now, right?”

  Maria nods, working her bottom lip. It’s a habit she has whenever she’s worried.

  Pulling up his contact, I dial his number.

  “Voicemail.” I tell them waiting for the beep, “Hey brother, give me a call when you get this.”

  I stare at the phone a moment, “What time is it in Georgia?”

  “They’re two hours ahead of us, so almost nine.” Maria answers.

  “I called the airport and the plane arrived on time.” Josh adds.

  What the fuck, Parker always calls or texts when he travels. I dial his number again, after another failed attempt, I proceed to mass call him for the next two hours.

  "Hey, Brother." He finally answers.

  "Holy shit, asshole. We've been freaking out!"

  “Parker?” Maria sits forward and I nod.

  "Why? What's going?" He asks.

  "You never told anyone you landed. You've been MIA for like nine hours."

  "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I went straight to HEAT and then I got kinda distracted."

  Distracted? For real?

  "What the fuck could be more distracting than letting us know you're safe, man?" Not like our parents died in the same zip code as him or anything.

  "Hey man, you're on speaker and I'm not alone."

  Rage, immediate rage floods me. "No, you fucking didn't! What about Haley, dude?! Her life ain’t hard enough without you nailing some gash in Georgia?! What the hell is wrong with you?"

  I hear a faint giggle and my fingers start to twitch. "Seriously?! Your side bitch is laughing? For fucking real man?" I seethe into the phone before looking up at Maria and Josh who wear the same concerned faces, "Parker's fucking some skank in Georgia while we're all out breaking our necks trying to find Haley."

  "Gah- fuck!" He gasps

  "What, dude?" I’m entirely too pissed to actually care.

  "Fuck. Stubbed my toe."

  "Boo-hoo. What the fuck, Parker?"

  "What?" His voice is all breathy and my skin crawls.

  "Jesus Christ. If you’re getting nasty with that bitch, I'm gonna lose my mind."

  "Let's not call her a bitch, alright? You're still on speaker- Jesus Christ! Drew, I'll call you back."

  "God dammit, Parker! You're a piece of shit!"

  The line goes dead and I swallow the urge to whip my phone across the room.

  “What’s going on?” Maria asks, sitting on the edge of the couch.

  “Parker’s a fucking asshole, that’s what’s going on. Him and his skank decided to start getting nasty while on the fucking phone with me.”

  I stand and start to pace, my blood pressure is probably dangerously high at this point.

  “Are you certain that’s what was happening?”

  Sweet Maria, always trying to see the good in everyone. “I’m positive that’s what was happening.”

  Another ten minutes of pacing happens before my phone starts to vibrate and I battle with the notion of ignoring it until I reach the kitchen, begrudgingly I answer. "No- I don't want to fucking talk to you right now!"

  "DREW!" A familiar voice shouts, "Calm your tits!"

  "No fucking way." I hear myself say out loud, "Hales?"

  "Awe, my knight in shining armor!"

  "What the fuck?! You're in Georgia?"

  "Since last week."

  "I told you to come with me." Parker adds.

  "Josh, Mama Mia!” I yell across the house, “Hales is in Georgia. She's the skank Parker’s nailing in the hotel."

  “What?” I’m pretty sure they both shout at the same time as they hurry over to me.

  "Drew!" Haley scolds, "You can't be telling people! I'm safe here but I don't want to leave before Parker has to. If you announce to the world where I am, I’ll have to leave again!"

  "Wait- did y'all know you were meeting up?" I’ll fucking kill Parker if he knew.

  "Way to ignore me, asshole." She growls making me smile.

  "No," Parker cuts in, "I sent Kaylan and Haley my itinerary, she showed up when I left HEAT."

  Wait, she said she was safe there, right? And didn’t she mention not wanting to leave? "I'm confused. I thought you've been on a bus traveling the damn country?"

  "Nope. Been freezing my ass off in Savannah."

  "Is that really, Haley?” Josh asks, "She okay?"

  "Yeah, she's with Parker in Savannah."

  "Did Parker know she was there?" He seems just as pissed at that possibility as I was.

  "Nah, sent his flight details to her brother and she showed up."

  "Thank God." Maria sighs, "Is she coming home with him?"

  "Let's just take this one day at a time, alright?" Parker says through the phone.

  "Are we on speaker?" Josh asks, I shake my head but push the speaker icon so he can talk to her, "Haley, Parker has your phone. Use. It. Don't feed me any of that 'I can't' bullshit either. I'm telling you to use it, so use it."

  "My brothers have that phone number, it's traceable."

  "All phones are traceable.” I roll my eyes, if that were true we would have been able to find her the day she left. “This way you’re guaranteed a phone with everyone's numbers."

  She’s silent for a moment, Maria and I look down at the screen, both apparently fearing the line died.

  "Okay. I'll take it." Liar.

  "Thank you." Josh sighs, "Do you need anything? Money, plane ticket?"

  "No, I'm alright."

  "If I ask what's going on, are you going to answer me?"

  "No, probably not." My mouths tips up.

  "Will you call me if you need help?"

  "No, probably not." I chuckle at her familiar attitude.

  "Stubborn child. I swear." He sighs with a smile.

  "HA!" I laugh, "I'm not the problem child anymore!"

  I don’t even have time to flinch before his hand makes contact with the back of my head. I dip and draw away from him attempting to
rub the sting away.

  "Are you eating?" Maria coos into the phone while I attempt to put distance between Josh and I.

  She laughs and that’s all it took for the stress to fall from my shoulders, "Yes, I'm eating."

  "Parker did you feed her?"

  "His dick." I laugh, Josh lunges forward, “No, don’t hit me!” I laugh, sidestepping his assault.

  Josh chases after me until Maria grabs a fistful of his shirt and shakes her head at him. "Okay. Well I'm going to give you back to Drew before Josh kills him. We love you, Haley."

  "I know. Thank you."

  Maria hands the phone back to me, I switch off the speaker before kissing her on the cheek, “I’m gonna head out.” I whisper. She nods and hands me the spare to Josh’s truck. "Damn, I wish I would have come with."

  "You can come next time."

  Or you could just come home, but I’ll take what I can. "Yeah, definitely. You're there ‘til when? Thursday?"

  "I fly out of Atlanta at seven.” Parker tells me as I wave to Josh showing him the key to the Dodge. “I’ll be in Phoenix around ten, I've got a layover in Dallas."

  "Alright, what's y'all's plan? Well, other than gettin' freaky."

  "It's after eleven, probably get some sleep."

  "Well, wrap it before you tap it. Don't need Haley running around the country with little Parker Jr’s swimming in there."

  Parker starts to laugh so hard I pull the phone away from my ear, "You should have seen Haley's face right now!"

  "I wish I could, I haven't seen it in like a month!"

  "It's been ten days, Drew." I can hear her eyes roll, I swear.

  "Fuck you, it feels like a lifetime!”

  The line goes quiet a moment as I unlock the truck.


  Hauling myself up, I put my phone in the holder, switching it to hands-free. A photo fills my screen, her and Parker are curled up on a bed, she’s got her tongue out looking every bit the happy Haley.

  "Awe, look at you, all just fucked and everything."

  "Shut up." She laughs.

  Upon closer inspection I notice the collar of purple blooming around her throat, "Jesus, Parker. The girl is suppose to have the mouth like a vacuum, not you."

  "Fuck off." Haley laughs, "He's making sure every guy in- what a hundred?” She pauses, “In a hundred miles knows I'm taken. My other option was to be peed on and I'm just not into that sorta thing."

  I let out a deep laugh, turning the truck on, "Yeah, me neither. I guess I would have taken the brand too. What about you, Hales? You gonna mark your territory?"

  "No, I'm just gonna fuck him so good I ruin him for all women."

  I make a face, "Ew. Just fucking- ew. That's my brother."

  "You're just jealous."

  "Love you, Hales, but you’re not my type."

  "I'm a big chested blonde." She laughs.

  "You do have a great rack, but you’re a brunette, dumbass."

  "I'm a natural blonde."

  "Oh shit.” I smile, pressing the code to open the gate, “Well, stay brunette and I won't try to steal you away from Parker."

  Parker laughs, "Good luck, brother."

  "Don't think I won't win. How ‘bout it, Hales? Two for one special?"

  "Nah, I've got a thing for brunettes."

  "Well, damn. Bet if I dyed my hair you couldn't tell us apart."

  "Parker's hotter and you've got a fat head- I'd know."

  I scoff in mock offense, "One- rude. Two- not true. Three- mean."

  "Speaking of mean, how'd biker chick go?"

  Ugh, why’d she have to remind me? "Fuck man. Just add insult to injury why don't you."

  "Couldn't seal the deal?"

  "Fuck you. I'll get there." And I will.

  "Don't stalk her you creep."

  “Don't tell me how to live my life.”

  She laughs and I find the urge to beg her to come home. “Real life, any tips?”

  “What?” She gasps, “The almighty Drew is having difficulty getting laid?”

  “Fuuuuck you, I’m getting laid just fine it’s just, not with her.”

  “That’s gotta be a first.”

  “You’re the worst best friend ever.”

  She laughs again, “Did she give you a reason?”

  “Not really.”

  “Maybe she’s just not into fat headed guys.”

  “I hate you.”

  She laughs deeply, “Have you tried wooing her?”

  “What the fuck does that even mean?”

  “Flowers? Maybe a date?”

  “Coming from the girl who’s banging my brother but refuses to let him buy her dinner.”

  “Obviously that’s because I’m a lot cooler than this broad. Isn’t the chase at least a little exciting?”

  I shake my head, pulling into my driveway, “No, it’s frustrating.” Killing the engine, I step inside locking up behind me. “So, you uh… gonna send me some nudes?”

  Haley erupts into laughter as I walk down the hall, noting Emma’s door is open with the lights off. She must be out again, I swear to God she better come home alone.

  “You’re such a pig, you know that? And you wonder why biker chick won’t sleep with you. Where’s your charm?”

  “I happen to have a lot of charm thank you very much.”

  “Maybe she’s a lesbian.”

  I groan into the phone, “Why are you torturing me? Do you know how satisfying it would be to fuck a lesbian? I don’t think she’s one though, I’ve seen her grinding her ass against dudes at HEAT.” Not to mention I’ve had the privilege of listening to her get railed night after night.

  “I don’t know what to tell you other than move on.”

  “Um, no.” I huff, laying on my bed, “That’s not an option. Do you remember how hot she was?”

  “I remember her running me over and acting like a first class bitch.”

  “But an insanely hot first class bitch.” I sigh, “What are y’all doing? And if you say anything nasty I’m going to stick my finger in the socket.”

  “Just laying here talking to you.”

  “Miss me?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe. Send me another picture of your big dumb head.”

  Backing out of the call, I open the camera and send her a picture of me pouting, then one with my shirt raised with my finger placed seductively next to my mouth, then for shits and giggles I send her one of my bare ass. God, I love iPhones.

  “Is that your ass?” She howls into the line.

  “In all its glory.”

  We proceed to laugh and joke until nearly one in the morning when Emma came barreling down the hall with some asshole attached to her face. Seeing as I failed to close my door when I got home I got to watch it happen. Joy. I said goodbye quickly before they could hear them and squeezed my eyes shut.

  Forcing myself to my feet, I shuffle over to the door and close it with enough force to rock the frame. Hopefully she takes the hint and keeps it down.

  That was a very short lived thought as her giggles echo through the wall. Fuck me. No, seriously, get over here and fuck me because I have the urge to put a girl right up against that fucking wall and show her just how loud I can make a girl scream.

  Taking the pillow I cover my face in a lame attempt to suffocate myself. This is going to be a very long night.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Waking up, the first thing I do is wash Joe Schmoe's stink off me. On the bright side of my, once again, anticlimactic evening, I heard Drew slam his door last night. Maybe now he’ll be more courteous and have his company keep it down.

  Fresh and clean I throw on a pair of comfortable shorts and walk down to the kitchen. Drew’s sitting at the breakfast bar, eating something out of a bowl, once again topless.

  “Morning.” I tell him grabbing a mug. When he doesn’t speak, I look up at him. His eyes are glued to my legs while a tick starts in his cheek. “You alright?”

; “Your friend left a little late.” He mutters, wiping his face with his napkin. I’m still waiting for him to look up.

  “And?” I ask, pouring coffee into my cup.

  “Just pointing it out.”

  I shrug, stepping over to the fridge to get the creamer from the door.

  “Seriously?” I groan, grabbing a condom out of the fridge door. “In the fridge?”

  He shrugs as I tuck it back into its place. The fact you can find a condom literally anywhere in this house makes me not want to touch anything.

  Bending over, I pull an orange from the crisper drawer when Drew groans behind me. I look over my shoulder to see him sitting with his eyes screwed shut and it looks like he’s about to bite through his bottom lip.

  “You sure you’re alright?” I ask, closing the refrigerator door with my hip.

  “You’re fucking with me and it isn’t wise.” He says, slowly opening his eyes.

  “How am I fucking with you? I haven’t done anything.”

  He stands up with his bowl and moves towards the sink, “Those shorts do nothing to cover your ass and you know it, so if you’re not looking to get fucked what are you doing?”

  He drops the bowl in the sink before leaning against the counter to stare at me while I inspect my bottoms, sure they’re a little short but I mean it’s not like anything’s hanging out. They’re long enough I’m comfortable going commando so I don’t see the problem.

  “I’m dressed comfortably getting breakfast, what’s the crime?”

  He growls, stepping into my personal space, I take a step back but the counter keeps me from putting anymore distance between us.

  “The crime is you testing my self-control while parading half-naked around my house after telling me I can’t touch you.”

  “I’m not parading, and if you don’t like it, don’t look.”

  “If you insist on going commando, I’m definitely going to be looking.”

  How the hell does he know I’m not wearing underwear? “Who says I’m going commando?”

  “You just bent over right in front of me.”

  “I got an orange out of the drawer, you’re acting like I was putting on a show for you or something. Why are you checking out my ass anyway? We’re supposed to be platonic, remember?”

  “I’m checking out your ass because you’re hot as fuck and basically wearing underwear after making me listen to you get railed all night.”