Famished (The Broken Series) Read online

Page 14

  “Do they fuck you like I can?” I ask, sitting back on my ankles and that doesn’t help at all. Her tits are rocking, her fingers are digging into the sheets and her face is so god damn beautiful.

  “Answer me, Angel.” Her mangled moan almost makes me lose my shit, “Answer or I stop.”

  “No,” she moans, biting her lip, “No one’s fucked me like you. Oh my GOD-”

  Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby and puddin’ pops. Grandmas. Grandmas in neon tracksuits. God damn, she feels incredible. DEAD KITTENS. I’m not going to last- fuck she’s so tight.

  Hooking my hand behind her knee, I fold it into her chest and sink deeper as I rest my hands on either side of her head. Her cries are enough to make me lose my fucking mind.

  “Cum, Angel.” Her hands wrap around my wrists and those nails sink into my flesh, “Fuck. I’m not gonna last, you feel too fucking good.”

  She releases my wrists and starts to sit up, I don’t know what she’s doing, but I’m not stopping to find out.

  Dropping her leg over my hip, she sits up entirely while my hips continue to drive into her so we’re both kneeling, still connected, and starts to fucking ride me.

  Grabbing her hair, I tug her head back and devour that porcelain throat, her pulse rocks against my lips as muted screams fall from hers. My free hand grabs that fat little ass and steers her, allowing me to hit deeper.

  “Fuck, cum.” I’m not above begging at this point. It’s taking everything in me not to be selfish right now.

  “Stop holding back.” She moans, slamming down on my dick so hard I fear I might be hurting her, if I am; she’s not mentioning it. “I got mine.”

  “Right now?” I ask, a little confused. She nods, “Not while my dicks been inside you.”

  She nods again, and I know she did not just fake me, is this girl for real? Does she not realize I know what it feels like when a girl cums?

  Shifting my weight, I slam her back to the mattress, so I’m once again on top of her and reach for the drawer of my nightstand.

  “What are you doing?”

  I ignore her, fishing around until my fingers find what they’re looking for. Shifting back up, I slip my thumb inside and turn it on.

  She hears the vibrations and stares at my hand a moment, “What are you doin- “

  Her scream interrupts her question when I push the vibrator against her swollen clit and rocket into her, “This.”

  She tries to pull away, but I slide my arm up her back and grab her shoulder to anchor her to me.

  A moment later her entire body goes rigid and her cry sends me over the edge. Her pussy pulses around my dick like it’s its fucking job and I lose myself- pretty sure my soul just left my body as I lost all self-control.

  She continues to writhe underneath me as I ride out every glorious second. My arms are shaking against the strain of holding my body upright, but I can’t bring myself to pull out a fraction earlier than necessary. Emma Jameson just gave me the best fucking orgasm of my life.

  I don’t want to, but I pull out, laying down beside her and drop the vibrator in the drawer haphazardly.

  “That’s an orgasm, in case you were wondering.” I pant, “Trying to fake me, pssht please.”

  Oh, and by the way, if she thinks this is a one-time thing she is sorely, sorely mistaken. The second my heart rate slows down, I’m burying myself in her again, and again, and again.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  We lay in silence, both catching our breaths as reality slowly settled down around me.

  MOTHER FUCKER! I slept with Drew Hayes.

  No Self Control – One. Emma – Zero.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  My head lolls to the side to see him twisting to look at his ass. He pulls, what looks like a paper towel off while his eyes stay locked on his flesh.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, not wanting to move. I’m not sure how to handle the fact I just fucked my roommate.

  “Is that a fucking tattoo?”

  “What?” My trepidations can fuck all; this is entirely too interesting. I sit up completely, waiting for him to move or speak again.

  “That’s a fucking tattoo.” He stands quickly and crosses the short distance to his bathroom giving me just enough of a peek to see a black smudge against his perfectly round ass cheek. “That’s a fucking tattoo.” He repeats when he looks in the mirror. “That’s a tattoo of your name.”

  “What?” I shriek, climbing off the bed to meet him.

  “That’s your name.” His wild eyes search mine as I try to filter through my drunken memory of last night.

  Stepping around him, I inspect the black smudge to see my name scrawled across his skin in pretty calligraphy. ‘PROPERTY OF’ is printed above in bold black font.

  An involuntary chuckle passes my lips as I stare, “What the hell did we do last night?”

  “You got one?”

  A dose of horror is injected into my veins as I spin around to look. “No, thank God.”

  “What does it say above your name?”

  Folding my lips between my teeth I attempt and fail to stifle my smile, “Property of,” I mumble.

  “Property of Emma. That’s what my ass says?”

  I nod, trying my hardest not to laugh. It’s not funny. It’s not. “I’m not laughing.”

  He huffs, looking back in the mirror. “Then what are you doing?”

  “Coughing with a smile?” He glares at me making the heaves harder to quiet.

  “Explain how I wake up with a dart hanging out of my shoulder and your name tattooed on my ass, yet you still managed to get railed by a different dude last night.”

  My eyes widen, “What are you talking about? I didn’t sleep with anyone last night.” At least, Lord I hope not.

  He deadpans, “I woke up to the dude leaving.”

  “Oh! No, that was your uncle.”

  “You slept with my uncle?!”

  I laugh at his seriousness, “What? NO!” He shakes his head prompting me to continue, “He came by to tell you to call your aunt, but you got all pissy and didn’t want to know. He’s super-hot, by the way.”

  “One, rude. Two, EW. Three, the fuck?”

  “What? He is!”

  Drew shudders looking in the mirror once again to examine his ass.

  “Looks good if that makes you feel any better.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head at the mirror. “My ass or the tattoo?”

  “Both.” I give him a small smile before reality smacks me in the face; we’re both still very naked. My arms cross over my chest as I walk past him and into his bedroom trying to find my clothes. I find my shirt on the floor by the closet, grabbing it quickly I start to put it back on when Drew walks out of the bathroom.

  “Why’s that happening?”

  I pause briefly in what I can only assume is a super attractive pose with my head half in the hole to stare him, “Because I’m naked.”

  “Uh huh, so I repeat; why’s that happening?”

  “To be less naked.” Covering myself, I pinch the hem to cover my lady bits as I search for my pants.

  “I’m not done with you yet.”

  I laugh a little, finding my jeans and snatching them from his desk chair. “Yeah, we shouldn’t have done that.”

  His hands close around the denim before they’re ripped from my grasp and thrown to the opposite side of the room. I give him a glare before turning around to get them, but his hands find my wrist spinning me back to face him. He draws my body against his before letting go to wrap his arms around my waist.

  “Like I said, I’m not done with you yet.”

  “Get off and get out. I got off, now it’s time to get out.”

  He laughs, “I have your name tattooed on my ass, if you think I’m not going to make that permanent accessory worth it, sweetheart, you have another thing coming.”

  Reaching behind myself, I pry his hands from my waist taking a step back, “One and done, reme

  He chuckles, stepping forward, “I remember, but I’ve got a quota to fill and as memory serves me, you only had one orgasm, I require a minimum of two. If I didn’t find a surprise tattoo, we’d be on round two right now.”

  I offer a shrug, “We got out of the bed.”

  He laughs, his hands slipping over my hips, “Your point-?”

  Both of our heads swing to the door when a man calls out for Drew.

  “Shit.” Drew pulls away, moving to the door in all his naked glory, “This conversation isn’t over.” He points at me as he grabs the open door, “Hold up. I’ll be right out!” He yells down the hall before grabbing a pair of shorts out of his dresser while I pull the hem of my shirt down, “It’s my brother, could be important.” He gives me a sympathetic smile while arranging his boner so it’s no longer tenting the material. “I’ll be right back.”

  I nod, watching him make his escape.

  After the door shuts, I wait a good five minutes before tiptoeing to the exit like I’m doing the walk of shame. Picking up my pants, I shove my legs into the denim as quickly as I can before silently cracking open his bedroom door. I can’t make out what’s being said but I can hear them talking from what sounds like the living room, considering this safe enough distance, I scurry into my bedroom.

  THIS is why I didn’t want to sleep with him. I can’t leave and he’s going to want to talk about it and do it again and judging by my stellar self-control skills I have a feeling I’ve dug myself into one hell of a hole.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “Hey, brother.” I tell Parker, entering the living room, “Heard from Hales?”

  My heart rate is insane right now; between getting freaky with Emma, Parker almost walking in, and news about Haley it’s about to beat right out of my body.

  He shakes his head, “No.”

  “Oh,” I sigh, scratching the back of my head.

  “Yeah,” He clears his throat, “I came by cause Maria’s about to lose her mind.”


  “You didn’t show up for dinner last night, then I received a very interesting video this morning,” He pulls his phone out of his pocket, after swiping the screen a few times he aims it towards me.

  A video begins to play showing my backyard, I’m topless with my back aimed towards a staggering Emma.

  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to do this.” She laughs.

  “Don’t be a pussy.” I yell back, holding something to my shoulder, squinting at the screen I think it might be an apple.

  “You won’t be saying that when she hits you in the head.” A male voice calls out from behind the camera.

  “Who’s filming?” I ask Parker who shrugs, helpful.

  “On the count of three,” Male voice calls, Emma erupts in laughter, bending at the waist. The voice counts down as she takes aim, on three she throws something that sinks into my shoulder; so that’s how the dart ended up there.

  I howl in laughter, turning in a drunken circle while Emma and the man cackle along with me.

  “Fuck me!” I yell with a chuckle, “You missed, bullseye!”

  “I told you it was beginners’ luck!” She howls, “Oh my God, Lynch pull that out!”

  “Ace can get it.” He laughs back, “He looks like a dog chasing his tail.”

  “Shut up and take it out!”

  “No, no, I got it.” I didn’t in fact. “I just need better light.”

  The camera follows me inside where I move to the couch and lay face down.

  “Hey, Ace?”


  “You gonna take that dart out?”

  “What dart?”

  The guy begins laughing harder, “He’s fucking gone, babe.” Babe? The fuck?

  “Awe, poor boy.” Emma stumbles over to the couch, “Tiger?”


  “He’s out. Let’s get you to bed too.”

  “He’s wicked hot, isn’t he?”

  I snort, not taking my eyes off the screen, “How long is this?”

  “It’s almost over.”

  I nod, watching Emma move towards the camera, even glassy eyed and piss drunk she’s fucking gorgeous.

  “Ace ain’t really my type, babe.”

  “Fuck off,” I mumble to him, “You enjoyed touching my ass, admit it.”

  Camera man laughs, “I’ll enjoy your reaction when you sober up and remember that you tattooed your ass on a dare.”

  “Worth it, bro.”

  “Does this mean I won?” Emma asks to no one in particular. Oh fuck, that’s right. I got trashed trying to win that fucking bet.

  “I guess. You gonna do anything else embarrassing?”

  “Psssht, I haven’t done anything embarrassing.”

  “I beg to differ,” He laughs, “Hey, Ace, you want your phone back?”


  “Alright, babe, say nighty-night to the camera,” Emma smiles before puckering her lips, kissing the lens with an exaggerated kissing sound, “Ace, any last words?”

  “You’re cousin’s a fucking dime.”

  He chuckles as the video pans down to a pair of tattered biker boots and ends.

  “So…” Parker trails off, looking at me, “Whatcha do last night?”

  “I have no fucking clue,” I chuckle, “Hold on, you gotta show this to Emma.”

  “The chick from the video?”


  He doesn’t say anything else as I move to the hall and call for her. Color me surprised when it’s her bedroom door that opens instead of mine, “You’re gonna want to see this.”

  With a nervous glance at her room, she walks down the hall to meet me.

  “Emma, this is my brother Parker. Parker, Emma.”

  “Hi,” She says, nervously tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Here, watch this.” Hitting play, I hand her Parker’s phone. Her forehead creases with confusion as she watches our adventures of the night before. Her free hand coming up to cover her mouth when she hits me with the dart.

  “Oh my God.” She chuckles.

  Parker and I remain silent as the video plays, once it’s finished, she hands the phone forward, “Well, I guess the dart mystery is solved.” Parker reaches forward accepting the phone. “And the tattoo.”

  “About that,” Parker starts, looking to me expectantly, “What’d you get?”

  “My name.” Emma speaks before I have time to swing a tale. His eyebrows fly up, “More specifically ‘Property of’.”

  “Thank you, Emma.” I glare at her but it’s only half serious.

  Parker laughs, harder than I’ve seen him laugh in a long time, “For real?”

  I nod, turning around, “Wanna see it?”

  “No,” He laughs, but I ignore him lowering my shorts.

  His laughter escalates further, “What the fuck, man?”

  I shrug, not really sure how to respond to that. It’s done, it’s permanent, words are kind of irrelevant at this point.

  Parker shakes his head looking between Emma and me, “That’s fucked.”

  “Whatever, I’m sure you’d put Hales’ name on your forehead given the chance.” I immediately regret it once the words come out, scrunching up my face, I shake my head at Parker, “Sorry, man; I didn’t mean to bring that up.”

  His laughter forgotten, he shakes his head, “Don’t worry about it.”

  I see the hurt across his face as he tries to mask the pain. He’d cover his entire body in her name if it meant she’d come back, which doesn’t look like it’ll be happening. Pain of my own slashes through my chest, clearing my throat to rid the emotion from my voice, I nod to the T.V.

  “Want a rematch?”

  His face suggests he’s about to say no but I imagine his only plans for the day are to lock himself in his apartment and sulk about Haley, “Yeah.”

  He moves to the couch while I turn into Emma, “And I’ll rematch you later.”

>   She laughs abruptly, “Get off and get out, Ace.”

  I smile at her stubbornness, I was seconds away from round two. She can pretend all she wants but she knows that wasn’t all I had to offer, “Scared you’ll want seconds?”

  “Looks to me like it’s you who wants seconds.”

  “This wouldn’t be seconds, sweetheart, it’s a continuation.”

  “Well, this continuation is over, Tiger.” She pats my chest, turning back to the hall, “It was fun.”

  FUN, did she seriously just use the word fun to describe sex with me?! “Wanna find another word?”

  She smiles at me, “No.”

  I glare in her direction, she chuckles an angelic sound as she walks away. ‘Fun’ my left nut, that was fucking incredible and she knows damn well.

  “We gonna play?”

  She’s lucky my brother needs a distraction, or I’d demonstrate how fun I am against that fucking counter she’s sashaying past.

  I unglue my eyes from her ass, walk deeper into the living room to sit next to Parker. “In a hurry to get your ass kicked?”

  His mouth curves up on the right side, throwing me a controller. Apparently, he is.

  I was successful in the ultimate ass beating until little Miss pain in my ass entered the laundry room. As usual, my shit was holding up the dryer and I’m in perfect view of her bending over to pull each article out before folding it and putting it on top of the counter. She shouldn’t be folding my shit, but I don’t have the heart to tell her to stop when she’s waving that perfect ass in the air like that.

  Parker leans against me, following my line of sight before chuckling, “A little distracted?”

  “Fuck off,” I shove him back to his seat with my shoulder, my eyes immediately falling back to her.

  “She’s pretty.”

  I scoff, “She’s fucking gorgeous.”

  When he doesn’t speak, I glance in his direction; he’s wearing that smug little smile of his, “What?”

  “Nothing.” He tries to cement it with a shake of his head but that stupid smile grows as he starts a new round on the system.

  “What?” I demand in annoyance.

  “It’s just,” He sighs, “You look at her like I look at Haley.”