Famished (The Broken Series) Read online

Page 13

  “Lynch,” He nods behind him before exhaling loudly, “Show ‘em Jameson’s don’t lose.”

  I giggle again at how outrageous this is. My dad is assisting me to moon his entire club, plus their friends, women, and guests.

  Unbuttoning my pants, I shimmy them down until cold air assaults my burning skin. Whoops, hollers, and laughter echo off the walls.

  I start to laugh along with them as I forget my pants are down.

  “Focus, Emma.” My dad tries to sound stern, but I can hear the humor trying to escape. “Get your pants up before my club has collective heart attacks.”

  Oh, right. I have a little trouble getting them over my ass but eventually succeed. Moose holds my hand as my dad jumps off but it’s Drew who appears in front of me. His hands grab my waist and lowers me slowly down to the ground; making sure every part of me rubs down every part of him in the process. Fuck, I want him bad.

  “I might need to crash here tonight.” I tell no one in particular.

  “Why’s that, sweetheart?”

  “Win or lose I might end up in your bed tonight.”

  His face comes very close to mine; Jesus, yes. Please kiss me. “Don’t tease.” He whispers before pulling away.

  Nooooooo, I really wanted that to go differently.

  “What’s Ace’s next dare?”

  I turn to see Lynch, Moose, and my dad staring at me expectantly. “Why do you keep calling him, Ace?”

  Lynch shrugs, “Reminds me of Ace Ventura, that and I didn’t bother remembering his name.”

  My face scrunches up, “In what way? He looks nothing like that guy.”

  “Didn’t say he looked like him, said he reminded me of him.”

  “Again, in what way?”

  “What’s the dare, Emma?” My dad glares at Drew likes he’s about to murder him.

  I take a nervous glance at Drew, who’s sat down at the bar; he looks endlessly entertained by all of this.

  “I don’t know,” I look around the room, I need a winning dare. I need to end this because he’s going to win for sure if I don’t. Lynch chews on the end of his pen while watching me. Intricate black designs cover his arm and the award-winning dare comes to be.

  “I’ve got it.” I start to laugh, looking between Lynch and Drew.

  Drew smiles, pulling my hand so I fall into his side, “What’s the dare, Angel? If it’s to ravage your body my answer is, hell yes.”

  “I dare you to get my name tattooed on your ass.”

  Collective laughter booms behind me as Drew smirks up at me. He pushes my hair behind my ear, his fingers playing in the strands until they fall to my chest.


  My smile dies as I gape at him, “What?”

  “I said, done.” He shrugs, standing. I step back to make room, though I don’t make it far when his grip tightens. “I’m gonna need another shot for this.”

  My dad pours a shaky shot as he cackles, “Lynch? You up for assisting?”

  “Can I pick the font?”

  “No,” I tell him as Drew throws the shot back, “I want it super girly, with hearts and shit.”

  He laughs, taking the keys from my dad, “I think that’s doable.”

  Lynch drives us down to his shop, which is just up the street and kills the engine, he climbs out first and approaches the building.

  I’m sitting in the middle of the front seat of the truck waiting for Drew to climb out. I watch him stare out at Lynch who’s unlocking the door.

  “It’s not too late, you know. You just have to say two little words.” I wiggle two fingers in front of me for emphasis.

  Drew nods a moment, “Two words, huh?”

  I smile and nod at my upcoming victory, completely unprepared for the blinding moment of speed as he falls into me, his hand tangles in my hair, tilting my head back as his lips crash into mine.

  FUCKING. DONE. Those are my two words.

  His mouth is eager and consuming as I lose all hope of fighting him. I blame the booze for the needy moans I slip down his throat. He’s too good at this, too pretty and way too skilled. My arms lock around his neck as I draw his body further into mine. His hand is pinned against my hip, his thumb dipping under the denim. I want more, I need more.

  A thunder of motorcycles interrupts us. I’m breathing heavy and embarrassingly turned on when he pulls his lips away from mine.

  “Two words,” He says panting, “Worth it.”

  Opening the door, he steps out as my head slowly floats back down to reality. Just take me home, fuck the dare, fuck repercussions, fuck tomorrow morning. I just want his mouth back on mine, I want his hands on my body; I don’t even care where, just on me.

  “Let’s go, love birds. We’ve got a bet to win.” Lynch calls.

  Realization dawns that he had to have seen that, right? I mean, I know it’s dark, but the street lamp illuminates the entire cab, I’m a little embarrassed my cousin knows what I was doing but at the same time I wouldn’t be too shy to ask him to step inside for a minute, so I can get naked with Drew in his truck. Isn’t the drunk mind fun?

  “Come on, Angel.”

  I take his outstretched hand and allow him to help me from the cab while my dad, Moose, and a couple of the guys walk up to meet us.

  “What are you doing here? Aren’t you having a party?”

  “I wanted to see if he’d go through with it.” Moose chuckles.

  Drew gives me a boyish grin before pulling me inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I’m fucking LIT, dude. I’m lying here on some chair while her cousin tattoos my ass and I can’t feel a thing.

  Emma is smiling a proud little grin as she lays on that big guys shoulder. Her dad leans against the stall door bullshitting with Lynch.

  The guy is literally using a needle to put permanent ink on my ass cheek and all I can think about is Emma’s mouth; her lips on mine, against my skin, her hot little mouth wrapped around my dick- I groan, shifting to try and give my dick a little breathing room.

  “Almost done.” Lynch says as the gun wails on.

  “Not worried about that; your chair’s crushing my junk.”

  “Well, if you would have kept your tongue out of my baby cousin’s mouth you might not be having that problem.”

  Moose laughs loudly as her dad goes stiff and red faced, “I thought the point of winning was to avoid that.”

  Emma laughs at her father’s anger, giggling harder when she gets the hiccups, “You be this inebriated with a guy that hot; then and only then can you yell at me.”

  “I’ll break every bone in your body if you hurt my daughter in any way.” He growls at me.

  “Fine by me.”

  The gun goes quiet, silencing the room.

  “How’s that, Em?”

  She drunk stumbles over, a fit of laughter fills the room as she looks over her work, I look over my shoulder but all I can make out is a black smear. I need sleep, if it’s possible I might end up drunker than I was on my birthday.

  “It’s perfect.” She giggles.

  “I’ll let you know my thoughts when I sober up.” I tell him while he tapes a paper towel to my ass, there’s something I never imagined happening.

  Pulling up my pants, I sit on the edge of the chair righting my zipper. Lynch goes to work cleaning up his station as Emma watches me with a smile.

  “I didn’t think you were going to go through with it.”

  I give her a wink before standing and accepting the care instructions from Lynch.

  “I believe it’s your dare, Tiger.” She says, seeking the shelter of her uncle once again. Not gonna lie; I’m pretty fucking jealous. Jealous of her six foot two, probably two-hundred- and eighty-pound biker uncle, all because it’s his side she’s curled up against.

  “I dare you to take me home.”

  Her face brightens, “I win?”

  “No,” I laugh, tucking the care instructions into my back pocket. “I dared you t
o take me home.”

  She makes an uneasy noise in the back of her throat.

  “I need to pass out, Angel. To be continued.”

  “I’ll take them home.” Lynch says sliding the now empty tray against the wall.

  “See that they both sleep in their own beds.” Her dad glares at me as he says it.

  I give him a smile that only grows when he growls.

  I one-hundred percent plan on having his daughter’s ankles wrapped around my neck before the night is done, I’d hate me too if I was him.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I wake up in bed fully dressed from last night with a headache the size of Texas, once again behind my left eye. Only this time it was caused by a bottle of tequila and not T-Bo’s right hook.

  Deciding to take a cold shower to chase the nausea away, I strip and hop in. The cool water helps my fevered skin, why the hell did I drink so much last night? Jesus. I kinda remember bits and pieces but it’s all still very, very blurry.

  Stepping out, I throw on a pair of comfortable jeans when a loud pounding sounds at the front door, fairly certain that my father is here to ring my neck and drag me home. Foregoing the bra, I throw a shirt over my head and run down the hall. Drew is passed out, face down on the couch with- is that a dart?! He has an actual dart sticking out of his shoulder, what the hell did we do last night?!

  Approaching the door, I have to make a serious effort to pull my eyes away from the little red stick as I unlock the door.

  Jesus, hello handsome! Blue eyes and sandy brown hair, guess I know how Drew’ll look in twenty years.

  “Uh, hey. Drew here?”

  “Yeah, he’s-“ I trail off looking over my shoulder at the couch, “We might have drank our body weight last night.”

  The weirdly hot as fuck older dude pokes his head in, his scent assaults me and I’m digging it. He’s got on a baby blue shirt stretched taunt against a well-built frame, HEAT is spelled across the chest in white letters, a little flame resting in the A. I’m pretending to note his clothing but I’m actually curious what Pops here looks like shirtless.

  “Glad to know he’s not dead.” He mumbles, pulling back. “Will you tell him I stopped by and that he needs to call his Aunt, she’s been worried sick since he never showed up to dinner last night.”

  “Sure, but who are you?” I give him a nervous laugh, half because this is awkward half because I think I might be flirting with him.

  “Sorry.” He shakes his head as he offers his hand to me, “I’m Josh, Drew’s uncle.”

  “Well, hot uncle. I’ll let him know you stopped by.”

  He laughs awkwardly and pulls away, with a nod he steps out and walks to a big silver truck. Hot uncle has a nice ass too. Dear God, I need to get laid.

  Shutting the door, I turn around to go finish getting ready when Drew stirs on the couch.

  “Hey.” His voice is gravelly as he scrubs his face with the pads of his hands, “Who was that?”

  “Oh, some super-hot guy with blue eyes and- “

  “Nope.” He cuts me off, “I don’t want to know. Sorry I asked.”

  I laugh, “No, I’m- “

  “Emma.” He glares at me and shakes his head, “Don’t want to know.”

  “Fine, grumpass. I’ll tell you later.”

  “Or never.”

  I roll my eyes and turn for the hall when his sharp intake of air makes me stop and turn around.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  Turning around I see him trying to look at his shoulder. “I think it’s a dart?”

  “How the hell did I get a dart in my shoulder.”

  “I don’t know. I barely remember going to my dad’s clubhouse.”

  Feeling extra petty, I wrap my hand around the red metal stick, “Can I ask you something?”

  He laughs a little, “Sure.”

  Leaning closer to his ear, I drop my volume, “Does it make you hard when you listen to them fuck me through the walls?”

  I hear his intake of air and smile to myself. That’s what you get for being a dick.

  “No,” He surprises me with an answer, “It makes me jealous.”

  “What? No way. You get laid just as much as me, if not more.”

  “That’s not why I’m jealous, Angel.”

  I pull back to look down at him, “What’s there to be jealous of then?”

  His thumbs brush circles against my hip bone as he speaks, “Jesus.” He gets up from the couch and I watch as he approaches the mirror on the wall. He inspects his shoulder before trying and failing to remove it.

  “Want help?”

  “Anymore guests hidden down the hall?”

  I roll my eyes, “No.”

  “Then yeah, come pull this thing outta me.”

  He turns around but I’m half a midget and can’t get the height needed to pull that sucker out.

  “Here,” Taking his hand, I lead him to end table where he sits down. Stepping between his legs, I lean over his shoulder.

  Remember when he got all pissy cause he thought some guy was over here, yet he can plow two blondes at once if he wants?

  The butterflies in my stomach transform into wrecking balls, all at once, images of him kissing me come crashing down around me. I feel my skin heat as the images blast me so sharply, I can almost feel his mouth on mine. “‘Cause they’re the ones fucking you.”

  Stepping into him, I press my lips against his ear once more, “You wanna fuck me, Tiger?”

  His hands tighten around my waist, using this as the perfect opportunity, I tug hard on the dart and pull it out of the meat of his shoulder. He growls, burying his face in my stomach and lets out a string of profanities.

  Pressing my thumb over the little hole, I apply pressure to help stop the bleeding.

  “Awe, poor baby.” I coo, trying not to laugh.

  His thumbs push the hem of my shirt up before his teeth sink into my hip. I can’t be held responsible for the moan that slips out of my throat as I clutch his hair.

  One hand slides beneath my shirt and up my back as his bite turns to sucking and then moves up my bare side, his free hand helping the fabric rise. God, his mouth feels good.

  I don’t stop him as he pulls the hem over my bare chest, his mouth slides over my nipple, making me shudder. I’m fucking putty, completely undone-I can’t help it. I’m grinding air, wanting some kind of friction as he sucks and bites. I’ve got his hair threaded in my fingers wanting more, needing more.

  He pulls me into him, his hand sliding between my legs and begins rubbing against my clit through my jeans.

  “Tiger.” I breathe, trying to get his attention, I need more. Dear God, I’m going to explode. “Ugh, Tiger.”

  “Yeah, Angel?” His tongue runs between my chest, jumping over the fabric and continuing up my neck as he stands. Oy vey.

  His hand continues to rub against the seam of my jeans as he walks me backwards, his mouth biting and sucking up my neck and against my jaw. My back touches the wall at the same time his mouth seals over mine.

  Feeling a little lightheaded, I grip his forearm for support, feeling his muscles tense and flex as he pushes against the fabric of my jeans only turns me on more.

  He pulls away slightly and smiles as I try to catch my breath. “Do they kiss you like that, Angel?”

  “No.” I admit trying to pull air into my lungs.

  His face slips into the curve of my neck before sliding his teeth down the length of my throat, “Do they make you this wet?”

  How can his words accomplish just as much as his fingers? “No.”

  “Jesus, I can feel it through your jeans.”

  I’m pretty sure I should be embarrassed by that statement, but I’m too riled up, too needy.

  I pull away, so I can look at him, “What are you going to about it?”

  “Oh, Angel,” He smiles wickedly, taking my bottom lip between his teeth, he bites gently and lets it go, “Everything.”

He steals my mouth and lifts me into his arms, my legs wrap around his waist as he carries me through the house. This is a big fat fucking mistake, but I seem to have left my fucks in the living room.

  Our lips don’t separate until my back hits his mattress.

  His mouth is brutal as he devours me, my hands fall to his jeans, but he captures them, pinning them above my head. His free hand starts to raise my shirt once again, arching my back, I assist before allowing him to raise me and peel the white fabric away from my body. Ugh, that’s skin on skin and his is just as heated as mine. He’s smooth and hard and fuuuuck his mouth runs over my collarbone as my jeans are unfastened. Yes, please. More, please. Now, please.

  “Raise your hips, Angel.” With fucking pleasure.

  I obey, allowing him to steal the last of my clothing, tossing it across the room. His eyes and hands run the length of my body.

  “Tiger,” I mewl, I’m desperate and not even kinda sorry. “Fuck me like you promised you would.”

  That cocky grin takes hold of his face as his fingers pop the button to his jeans.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  FUCKING A. Emma is spread out on my bed, gloriously naked, her trepidations from last night are apparently forgotten because she’s not doing a damn thing to cover up that perfect little body now.

  Leaning over her, I grab a condom out of my bowl and place it between my teeth as I stand, shedding my jeans and boxers. My dick springs free, hard, proud, and fucking aching.

  Rolling the rubber on, I climb up that incredible body, nipping and sucking as I go until her arms slide around my neck, pulling my face to hers. Good God, this woman is going to kill me.

  Little Miss Get-off-and-get-out is about to have a new motto. My dick slides inside her, and for a moment I can’t move- I can’t breathe. Her tight little pussy is already squeezing the life out of me and I’m not even all the way in.

  I’m never leaving in case you were wondering- this is my dick’s home now.

  Her nails claw into my shoulder and I about cum.

  “God damn.” I growl into her shoulder, sinking as deep as I can go.

  I start moving and I swear to God, my eyes roll into the back of my head- this woman is fucking me back. Thrust for thrust she meets me, her nails dig deeper, her moans louder, and I’m about to embarrass myself.