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Famished (The Broken Series) Page 5

  “Woo.” He laughs sarcastically, “One day a week, I sure am spoiled.”

  “Shut up,” I roll my eyes.

  We’re far from having the perfect father-daughter relationship but we’ve at least progressed to being civil. The first couple of months I was here we fought like cats and dogs; he had rules and I had objections. It took a fight with Lynch to finally get us to reach a mutual agreement. From that agreement, I don’t hate his presence like I did in the beginning, but I don’t see us growing passed tolerable, not after he let someone hold a loaded gun to my mother’s head, there are somethings you just can’t get past, that’s mine.

  “So, what are you doing then?”

  “Apartment hunting.”

  I don’t look up but by Moose’s sudden stiffness, I know his reaction is less than supportive.

  “I told you I had a room at my house for you.”

  “And I told you I didn’t want it.”


  Taking a deep breath, in an attempt to gain patience, I look up at him, “What?”

  “I don’t want you out by yourself.”

  “And I want to get laid. Looks like we don’t always get what we want.”

  “You’re too young-”

  Holding up my hand, I wag my finger at him, “No, no, no. You don’t get to pull that card on me. You and mom were bumping uglies while you were still in high school.”

  “And I want a better life for you.”

  “Well, I got my diploma without a baby on my hip, so congrats, mission accomplished.”

  “Why must you fight me at every corner? You know what I mean.”

  “I’m almost twenty-two. Why must you treat me like a child?”

  “Are y’all really about to have this same argument?” Lynch whines from his place on the bar.

  Cocking my brow at my dad, I wait for him to answer. After a moment his arms rise in surrender. “Fine. Do what you want, a deal’s a deal.”

  The stress on the word deal reminds me that I agreed I’d get a roommate in our declaration of peace, damn it.

  “Exactly.” I state as if I was holding up my end the entire time.

  Tipping my head down, I allow my hair to create a curtain between us as I look over the paper once again, this time looking at listings for roommates.

  Roommate Wanted

  $100/month, move in ready.

  That’s a typo, right? There’s no way that’s accurate. I recognize the street; it’s in one of those ritzy neighborhoods with mowed lawns and fancy cars.

  “You wanna go out to dinner tonight?” My dad says from his seat across from me, pulling my attention.

  “Can’t. I’m winning back my money tonight.” I say getting up and tucking the folded newspaper clipping into my back pocket. “I’m gonna go check these out. I’ll be back.” I add when he breathes in. I get that he wants to get to know me, I do. But the fact of the matter is, he would have let T-Bo shoot my mom. Junkie or not, I still love her.

  Chapter Nine


  Pulling up to the house from the newspaper I can’t help but stare; it’s a one story, gray, brick house and it’s huge.

  After paying the cabbie and walking up the sandstone path to the front door, I give the door a solid knock. I don’t want a roommate but a hundred bucks for this place? Are you kidding?

  A moment later the door is pulled open and I’m met with a set of glorious abs, eight of them to be exact. Peeling my gaze away from the mounds of bare flesh I’m met with the cocky blue eyes of that hot ass dude from that club last week.

  He pulls the corner of the towel that’s draped across his shoulders to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

  “You can keep staring if you like, I don’t mind.”

  Clearing my throat, I pull the ad out of my pocket. “You have ad in the paper about a roommate?”

  He nods as his cheeks sink in to cover a smile.

  “Why so little on the rent?”

  “Cause I don’t need rent money.” He says stepping away from the door, “Want a tour?”

  “If you don’t need rent then why the ad?”

  Oh, please don’t be a creep. He’s too pretty to be a creep.

  “I hate the silence. Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  He shuts the door behind me as I glance around the living room; dark, almost black furniture takes up the space, two leather sofas, a huge T.V., and dark blue curtains. It’s nice, too nice.

  “Obviously this is the living room.” He says passing the couch. I follow behind him, not checking out his ass in those blue basketball shorts. “Over here is the kitchen.”

  We pass under an archway and I’m speechless at the sheer size. Dark granite countertops, rich dark wood cabinets, and stainless steel appliances. This dude wants for nothing man. Holy crap he’s gotta be loaded.

  “If you take the place, all food is fair game. My Aunt comes by regularly with homemade stuff and will be offended if you don’t eat it. Down here,” He tells me entering a hallway, “Is the guest bathroom,” He points to a door and I sneak a peek into a surprisingly clean restroom. “This is my room,” Again I give it a quick glance when we pass. I don’t catch a great look but enough to know he likes dark furniture and sex. A fishbowl sits next to his bed literally filled with condoms. “This would be your room,” He pushes a door at the very end of the hall open and enters, “Furniture’s here if you want it. If you have your own that’s cool, just let me know and I’ll get rid of it before you move in.”

  Crossing the threshold, I gawk at the size. Walk-in closet, big ass bed, matching dressers. This place is too good to be true, it really is.

  “You’ve got your own bathroom here,” He pushes a door I hadn’t seen and I catch sight of the stand-in shower and the edge of the counter and toilet; decent sized.

  “So you just want a roommate because it’s quiet?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Yup.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket, checking the face before returning it to his pocket.

  “If you’re busy, I can go.” I start but he shakes his head.

  “You’re fine. I’m waiting to hear some news.”

  I nod, stepping closer to the door in my silent hint for him to lead me back out.

  He takes the message and I follow him back down the hall and into the kitchen. I can’t help but gawk at his back, he’s smooth, tan, and has muscle bulging in places I didn’t even know was possible.

  “Laundry room is through here,” He pushes the door open and steps inside. It’s an ordinary laundry room; washer, dryer, folding station. “Not gonna lie, I’m terrible at remembering to switch the loads so nine out of ten times you’re gonna get stuck with my shit, I apologize in advance.” He tells me moving to another door, “This is the garage.” He explains, stepping out to an empty garage. Oil stains the otherwise bare concrete floor.

  “I’ve got a bike so this would pretty much be yours. I steal my uncle’s truck a lot but I usually park it outside.”

  “I don’t have a ride so..” I shrug.

  “Well then I guess it can be used for morning coffee and contemplation.”

  That sounds strangely familiar but I can’t put my finger on what it’s from.

  I stare at the mounds of muscle on his back as we walk back into the heart of his house.

  “This is technically the master bedroom,” He says pushing a door open, “But I use it as my home gym.”

  And now all those muscles makes sense. Picture a gym; a nice, new gym, one with shiny equipment, that’s his home gym. Iron and benches line the walls, a few machines littering the center, it’s impressive to say the least.

  “What do you do for a living?” I catch myself asking when I notice just how much workout equipment is spread out before me.

  “I’m bartender at HEAT.”

  I give him an incredulous glare, “A bartender who can afford to live like this?”

  “I came into money when I was kid.” He shrugs, “I spend it smart.” />
  “Apparently so.” My eyes span the home once again in my attempts to stop gawking, this place is almost as nice as his face, almost. “Do you have a roommate agreement?” He answers by shaking his head, “Okay, do you need a deposit?”


  “So what all do you need from me?”

  “A move in date.”

  “When’s rent due?”


  “Whenever?” I echo.

  “Yep. Like I said, I don’t need the money.”

  “Why don’t you get a dog or something?”

  “Not home a lot, it wouldn’t be fair to an animal.”

  Gorgeous and sweet; dangerous mix.

  “What’s the catch?”


  “Yeah, the catch. Hundred bucks a month and everything is basically free. It’s too good to be true, there’s got to be something crappy in the fine print.”

  “My roommate left for basic so I’ve got a whole lot of house with nobody in it.” He shrugs, “Seems like a waste right?”

  “Nah, this is weird.”

  Ew. Did I just use the word ‘Nah’? Fuck, biker lingo is sticking to me.

  “Why’s it weird?” He looks genuinely confused.

  “You’re like the perfect roommate.”

  “Dawh, you ain’t too bad either, sweetheart.”

  Rolling my eyes, my hands find my hips, “Seriously, what’s the downside?”

  “I usually have guests of the female variety in the evenings.” He shrugs, “But they’re gone by morning.”

  The glass jar of condoms next to his bed took the surprise right out of that one. I’m still skeptical, this can’t be this simple.

  “So what do you say?”

  “I don’t know.” I go with honesty as he checks his phone once again. “Seems a little too good to be true”

  “I’m as good as they say, don’t you worry about that.”

  “Calm down, Tiger, not what I was referring to.”

  He laughs, “Yet.”

  And there’s the downside. “Do you usually go with the co-ed roommates?” There’s a bite to my tone I hadn’t intended to have, but now that it’s out there, I offer a little glare.

  “You’re the first one, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t call me that.” I mumble, spinning to look at the place one final time, fuck it really is nice.

  “Property of The Bastards, huh?”

  “What?” I spin around in time to see him point to my vest that I forgot I was wearing. “Oh, yeah. My dad’s the President, he makes me wear this or take an escort.”

  “So should I expect wild biker parties?”

  “Nope. I’m trying to get away from that actually.”

  A knock on the door pulls his attention and I walk with him to the entrance.

  “I should probably go.” I say as he pulls the door open.

  A man stands at the threshold, blocking my escape. “Hi, I’m here about the listing.”

  “Sorry man, positions been filled.”

  My brow furrows when he looks at me. Not by me it hasn’t. I don’t have time to speak up before the man sighs.

  “Damn. Alright, thanks anyway. Have a good day.”

  “You too.” He tells him without taking his eyes off me.

  “I never said I was taking it.”

  “Not yet, but you will. I’m Drew by the way. Text the number on the listing when you have a move in date.”

  I open my mouth to speak but close it, “What if I don’t want your luxury house?”

  “The fact you used the word luxury and haven’t been able to take your eyes off me suggests otherwise.”

  “You’ve been speaking.”

  “And you’ve been checking me out.” He shrugs, “Don’t worry, I’ve been gawking just as hard at you.” He winks and I want to groan. Why can’t he be an ugly dude with a killer house?

  “Like I said, don’t know if I want it. I’m not really on board with the roommate idea.” I say stepping outside.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He smirks, “Am I keeping the bedroom set?”

  I offer him a shrug before turning around and walking down the pathway.

  “By the way,” He calls after me, “You’ve got a great ass.”

  With those parting words he shuts the front door.

  My luck. Killer fucking house, amazing price, but I’d have to live with sex on legs while attempting to not spread mine in the process.

  Tetanus apartment looks less dangerous than that guy.

  Chapter Ten


  Holy fuck! Biker chick has made her appearance!

  She left hours ago and I’m still high from it. Things could totally get messy if I fucked my roommate, but I mean, not like I’m home much anyway. I was in no way kidding when I said she had a great ass. Fuck me, she’s hot.

  Checking my phone for the umpteenth time, I see I have no news on Haley. This is driving me fucking nuts, not even working out was enough to drown the noise in my head.

  Laying down on my couch I turn the T.V. on just to drown out the silence before throwing my arm over my eyes trying to focus on the sounds of the ESPN announcer instead of the sounds of glass shattering and wheels squealing in my head when my hand buzzes.

  Pulling my phone down, I sit up abruptly, my eyes sliding over the forwarded message from Parker,

  ATTACHED MESSAGE: I was too much of a coward to say goodbye to anyone because I knew you would make me stay and by me staying you were going to get mixed up in a life you know nothing about and I'd be putting you all in danger. You were right, I agreed to something awful and I had to leave. I know I hurt you, and I know I hurt Drew, Josh and everyone else and there are no words to describe how sorry I am for that but it was necessary for me to leave. My life before Phoenix is complicated and runs much deeper than calling the police or getting a restraining order. I know I'm an idiot and a horrible daughter. I know I'm selfish and the worst best friend there is, and for you, Parker.. I know all we were doing was fucking around and I'm not your girlfriend but I guess the best way for me to put this is that I'm the worst person you could ever fall for. I'm sorry. This started off with a simple, I'm safe, but has turned into a novel so I'll end with this, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

  As I read over the text from Haley another comes in,

  ATTACHED MESSAGE: Please don't respond, I don't think I can handle what you've got to say. We were never together so you're free to go on with your life. I don't deserve any kindness from any of you but please, please don't respond. xxHaley.

  Copying the new number, I open a new thread and paste it before responding.

  ME: One, RUDE. Two, not true, well kinda not true. You ARE the world’s worst best friend but you're MY best friend so that immediately cancels that out ‘cause I'm fucking awesome. Three, I don't hate you, I'm super pissed at you, but I don't hate you. Never could, sunshine. I love you and I swear to God, just cause you left you better fucking text and call me or I'll find you and ring your hot little neck. I love you, Hales.

  I stare at the phone waiting for the read receipt but it never comes. I grow more and more impatient as I get radio silence from her. I try calling but it goes straight to voicemail. She turned off her fucking phone. At least I know she’s alive. Where the fuck are you, Haley?

  I slept like shit, thank you for asking.

  After that text from Haley I stared at the fucking thing until I fell asleep on the couch. After waking up from my usual nightmare of flashing lights and glassy eyes, I worked out until I felt like my limbs would fall off and took a cold shower. It was then the silence let my nightmare resurface and I started seeing shit in the shadows so I hopped on my bike and came over here to Parker's to crash the rest of the night. At least there’s a heartbeat here.

  We’ve barely said three words to each other all morning as we stare off into space, both too stuck in our own heads to attempt any small talk. My phone buzzes pulling me from my thoughts.

sp; “Holy shit!” I shoot upright, “Haley just messaged me.”

  “What?” Parker grabs his phone off the couch as I open the text.

  HALES: I'm glad you don't hate me. Now send me a picture of your big dumb head for your profile pic, also cause I miss you more than you know and want to see you.

  A huge smile takes over my face as I back out and open the camera, standing up, I mock scream and hold up my middle finger. Sitting back down I send it,

  ME: I'm a fucking stud, I already know. Your turn, topless if you're taking suggestions. Oh, by the way- still mad at you.

  “You get anything?” I ask Parker while I impatiently wait for Haley’s response.

  He shakes his head, “Not yet.”

  “I told her to send a pic, so you’ll probably get one soon.”

  HALES: Incoming.

  HALES: I know you're mad. I don't know how to apologize other than telling you how sorry I am.

  The file downloads and my heart sinks. She’s still a knockout but you can see how sad she is in her swollen eyes and weak smile. Guilt spreads through my system, her life is hard enough without me making her feel bad.

  ME: Fuck, sunshine. You look like shit. I'm more sad than mad. Please tell me I wasn't the one who made your face look like that.

  Her reply is almost immediate.

  HALES: Jeez, asshole. I've had a rough couple of nights, okay. Way to soften the blow though.

  I smile at her text when I catch Parker still staring at his phone out of my peripheral, so I try to wiggle in a hint to text him.

  ME: Was it Parker's text? He wouldn't let me read it. I get that he's hurting alongside the rest of us but if he was mean to you, I swear I'll pop him in the balls.

  HALES: I haven't read it yet. I'm a pussy.

  “She said she hasn’t read it yet.”

  I offer my phone and he skims over the conversation before nodding, the hurt on his face is like a knife to the gut.

  ME: Read it and text him back. He knows I'm texting you.

  I can almost hear her eye roll in her text.

  HALES: Jesus, do you guys like radio my whereabouts back and forth or something?